
Showing posts from August, 2019

First Week of School

Last week was the first week of school for us. I finally met my new students and we have now spent two days together. I am happy to report that I am very pleased with them. It's great how new foreign language learners have a big smile on their faces and really try hard to pronounce correctly. So far we have done basic greetings, ask for your name and age as well as say goodbye. Next week we will do the numbers and the alphabet. French will get stated on the Voces Digital program. It seems very challanging but I am sure my students are up to it. We signed up on the Google Classroom, only to find out our tech person from central office reset the password over the weekend, freaking out my students who wanted to do their homework. We also created our characters on Classcraft, and French classes had their first boss battle. Unfortunately, the boss won all three times we played. "Better luck next time," it said. Hopefully, on Monday they will win. We also made a couple of simpl...