What am I excited about?

Now that we've been out of school for a week and I have had a chance to get some mental rest I am considering what exactly I am excited about. I had told my school friend Sabine who is still living in Germany where we grew up that in retirement, which is in three years, I want to move to Spain. She was surprised but then confessed she wants to open a bed and breakfast in Sweden where people can still visit with her even though she has a severely disabled husband. It's not really one of those fight or flight situations. I do want to move to Spain and open some kind of rest stop on the Camino de Santiago route. It sounds crazy, I know, but that's a long term plan. Now as far as immediate things I am excited about, there are a few things. We have puppies. They are one week old, too adorable. And there is hiking; we've explored a few new ones lately in the area. I had wanted to do a cross country road trip this summer. It's too bad I am not really that excited about spe...