Last Day in May- May our 2018 Summer Vacation Begin

Today is the last day in May, finally time for me to acknowledge the fact that it's summer vacation. Though we got out of school a week ago, I was busy doing school work every single day, for hours. Why, may you ask. Well with the switch to French and German I had to gather materials for both classes. It's not like I will be provided with textbooks, haha. But I believe I've got this now. In French we will follow the Bon Voyage series with their curriculum at least and in German class we will follow the Deutsche Welle Harry program, which offers 100 episodes, way more than anyone could possibly cover in one year. I also ordered some posters for my classroom. Cuba will have to go, sadly, as much as I enjoyed dreaming of the beautiful island. My Google Classrooms are full of all sorts of good resources to keep us all inspired and get off to a wonderful and fun start of the school year: Syllabi, pacing guides, songs, all Extra! episodes 1-13 with French resources at least, Exit ticket, all chapter vocabulary lists on Quizlet, a Gimkit homework, a German and a French pre-test, newspaper and other resources to reading comprehension. I also created my stations for my classes with science display boards: Conversation, Reading, Conjugation, Promethean Board, Games, Writing, Listening, and Flipgrid recording. I am planning on using the stations once a week. Woohoo! This will be so awesome. Well, whom am I trying to kid here? We all know I'm not done yet. At any rate, in 10 days is the Camino de Santiago hike in Spain, followed by the 100th AATSP Conference in Salamanca. My presentation on Classcraft is ready to roll. Before that I do have one more presentation on June 6 at the P-16 Summer Summit 2018 in Cleveland. Supper excited to get to Google Hangout with Josh Feinsilber, creator of Gimkit. I guess after that presentation my summer will officially begin. My suitcase and backpack are packed except for a few bathroom items. I am seriously excited about our hike in Spain and the conference, perhaps the last time I will attend that. Could it be?


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