Wrote a book on Book Creator

Yesterday I discovered Book Creator and actually wrote a book for my new students in my French and German classes. It's full of advice for them on how to repond when people question their choice of language. I looked at Jennfer Gonzalez' article of 6 tools to try next school year and I am very happy I figured out how to do that. I created an account and now my students will be able to write French and German books that are then placed in our personal library. This is really cool. She also talked about the Chrome extension IL, Insert Learning. With this extension you can insert questions, sticky notes and discussion question anywhere inside of an internet article. It is so easy and just wonderful. I created a lesson using an article about a French program that invited impoverished children to spend an action filled summer vacation in Paris. I also used an article from a German newspaper about reducing the use of plastics or get fined. The IL extension works beautifully with Google Classrooom and you can simply create the lesson and upload it on there with one step. I love it. Next Thursday, we will host our first Teacher Talk with Phyllis and Ruth, discussing topics pertaining to teaching in the middle and high school. This will be so exciting. I can't wait. We will probably talk about how the P-16 Summer Summit in Cleveland turned out, which is on Wednesday. I will present "Are you having fun yet teaching your standards?" Are you? https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthValle/live


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