One Month to the First Day with Students
It just dawned on me that the first day with my new French and German students will be happening one month from today, well, actually yesterday. This is the time of the summer when teachers can finally relax a little, take time for themselves without the daily stresses. Yesterday, I went to Staples to have four posters laminated there and to my surprise they already had their back to school specials out. I could not believe it. So after my laminating was underway I got my 30 composition books and asked them to cut them horizontally into three equal portions, creating 90 awesome vocabulary books for my students next year. Way too early to be thinking about stuff like that, right? I also found a 36 pack of sharpened pencils, 7 sets of markers and rulers, in addition to several packs of index cards. Who does that at the beginning of July? Well, apparently the school obsessed teachers I encountered in there. I may possibly be allowed to go in to set up my classroom next week according to our head custodian. What fun! I still do not know what the layout of the desks ought to be for maximum student learning. All I know is they will be seated in groups of four as last year's classes. So basically I will have to go in to hook up the computer, make sure it connects to the Promethean Board, connect the printer, put the desks in their place, post the four new posters on the walls for French and the three I have for German. This ought not to take too long one would think. I remember last year I came about four or five times to get the room setup accomplished. But what a feeling when it's done! You just sit there and smile, as your fellow colleagues scramble with a mess on their hands. As far as the new syllabi, I did that pretty much right as school let out before my Camino de Santiago trip. So they are actually ready to be run off. I basically just need my numbers for that. My Google Classroom, such a great place to keep it all organized, ready to roll as well. OK, back to watching the dramatic Thai cave rescue operation unfolding in front of my eyes.

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