School Year is off to a Good Start
The 2018/2019 school year has finally arrived. For the first time in many years I actually had not one school nightmare before the first day back. I am thinking this means that my mind is at ease about it. I usually dream I can't find my classroom in a maze of a school I do not recognize, I'm being observed and it all goes wrong, or I do not even know the students in my classes. It was pretty hard for me to re-do my classroom to French and German from Spanish.
I ended up with very large classes and all are very nice for now and super excited to be learning French or German. I was amazed to get questions over the weekend from students about their Duolingo and Classcraft quests. What a difference when I do not have to answer to questions from Spanish students who want to know why they have to learn Spanish, believing everyone ought to just speak English. I saw this morning on CBS that 78% of Americans speak only one language. Wow, that's sad. They really do not know what they are missing. Learning a language is so much fun. This week we will delve into more numbers, the classroom expressions and the preiminary chapter for French, The Deutsche Welle Harry program episode 1. It's looking good.

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