First Semester Successes
I made it to the end of the first semester teaching French and German for the first time in forever. I must say it turned out well overall. We had our struggles, yes, but overall it worked out. After Montreal I was aware of my limitations in French but we all grew from there. Most success this year was probably with the French classes since I was able to reach out with them over Google Hangout with several excellent guest speakers on some very meaningful topics. We talked to Steve Kaufman about language learning, Manuela Da Silva about the dangers of plastics, Athalo Carao about sharing international postcards, Oak Ridge Arboritum about saving the Monarchs, Josh Feinsilber about his Gimkit game and the future. Most recently Ranger Lauren came from Fort Loudoun to tell us about the French and Indian War and why it matters to our community. The German class participated in Global Collaboration week by presenting a PowerPoint on the foods we eat. I also got second period French started on their NPR podcast projects and they are going around interviewing people. The chosen podcast will be turned in when we return from Christmas vacation in January some time. We do need to find someone who can edit this profesionally. So next week all that's left to do is to review for semester exams on Monday, then two exams days and that's about it. May vacations begin soon. Now should I take a brainbreak or take the opportunity to cram more Frnech into my head?

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