First TGIF This Year
We made it through the first week of school in 2019. My students did great learning the clothing vocabulary. Today's Gimkit game was quite astounding. We have several billionaires and millionaires in my third period French class. Second perioud class made some bird feeders out of milk jugs to remind us to recycle plastics. They look somewhat ugly, but the birds won't care I'm sure. I can't wait to have them hang them on Monday. German classes are doing well also. They have calmed down since some of the ones who failed left us. It is very difficult for me to teach the classes without a textbook this year. I am guessing these are pilot classes. But it seems the administration is taking well to my new classes and is even including French and German in the new texbook adoptions. My co-teacher and I a very excited that we get to choose new books for next year. We even decided to let the students have some input on the choice we make. This will be a cold and rainy weekend. It's the last one without me having to do a bunch of school work I'm sure, especially since my new college Spanish classes at Hiwassee College and South College begin next week. I am determined not to stress to much, but he online class will require responding to constant emails for the first two weeks until the students settle in and get used to working independently. So the struggle is about to begin.

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