Last Day of Winter Break

Two weeks of Winter Break is up today. What a break it was. Kidney stone blasting and recovery, not much else going on. Yesterday at my follow up appointment I had the stent removed. So this morning I certainly feel much better. It was really hard to function with that tube inside of me. Very uncomfortable and I am not being a cry baby here. Speaking of being a cry baby, word must have gotten to this doctor that I was one, as he suggested I had the choice between getting it removed with sedation in an outpatient surgery or just in the office. I chose the office method since I didn't feel like missing a day of school. It really wasn't bad. So now I must get a grip on things and get myself physically prepared for school next week. The mental part is no problem. Lesson plans were made out before we even left school and submitted as well. We are covering clothing and shopping for clothes in both French and German classes. That should be easy to handle and fun at that. So the physical aspect of teaching, standing up, walking aorund, doing the paperwork efficiently every day, that's the part I need to get ready for most. My friend said to take the dog out for a walk. Too bad it's raining today. And tomorrow I have to take my grand-son back to North Carolina to his mother's which will take up half of that day. That leaves Sunday to walk. I will attempt to walk fo 20 minutes with the dog, ten minutes out and ten minutes back, or the entire mile loop around the school complex here which is a mile. That's the goal. Sí se puede.
That's Ollie and Chris, my son in law in Portland I think.


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