Please let 2019 be my best year ever
2018 is gone, Thank God. The last couple of weeks in December were the absolute worst. I had to undego kidney stone surgery last Friday. Still haven't quite recovered from that. They claim you recover in two days, not true. I tried to go to Ingles for a few items yesterday and couldn't really function too well. Checking out and talkng to the cashier was too much, I just kind of smiled. Well, on the bright side, my co-teacher and I started a YouTube channel. It's called The Dualing Language Teachers. This title is just too funny. My co-teacher came up with it. So we are planning to do weekly videos on there. Let's hope it will be a success. Something to look forward to in the new year. I am so glad that my brain worked overtime the day we got of school and the one after that, as I got so much stuff done for the new semester, unbelievable, really. It's like God helped me because He knew I was not going to be able to do any school work after the surgery. So here is 2019. I haven't thought of my New Year's resolution yet, but it will come to me today.
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