School's Back on Monday

It's a beautiful Saturday morning. Saw a bluejay on my oak tree in front of the house. Such a pretty sight. So Monday we are going back to school and this is my last chance to get it together after the kidney stone surgery. I've been really good about drinking water. Yesterday I managed to walk a mile with the dog. So today I will get a haircut, go get a few items from the store and then hopefully head out to the lake to walk there. I have to get my strength back. Oh, and the Christmas tree has to come down today. I have to say, I am feeling very peaceful this morning, full of expectancy that things will now get better, that 2019 will be a good year for my family. My co-foreign language teacher and I are launching a YouTube channel and are planning to present at LangFest in Montreal in August. The YouTube Channel will require a little work, but I'm sure we can pull it off as long as we do not get discouraged and get some followers on there. Planning for Montreal will be interesting. Seems like there are some resonable hotels available. The flight will be more of a challenge to book at a reasonable price. Tomorrow will be a little harder to get through since I will have to drive my grand-son back to North Carolina to his mother's house. I will definitely miss him.


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