What a day
Today was rough. It began with our weekly YouTube video as the Dualing Language Teachers. My co-teacher was a little bit full of doom and gloom so that video was on the serious side. French was good as usual. We acted out a Les trois petits cochons. I love my students' pronunciation of French. Their podcasts for the NPR contest is coming along well, so is the video entry for the Roane State Academic Festival. One of my students decorated my door for the SAAD competition. It's too cute the Little Prince theme.
Well, then it was after lunch. For some reason my classes are worse after lunch. Why? I do not know. One of my lovely students thought he could just go to the restroom without permission and then actually left before the bell. Really? I am not sure yet what to do. I haven't witten up a single student in over three years, actually longer than that, maybe five or six. Then in my last class, they were supposed to read Das Rotkäppchen and honestly I couldn't understand a word of what the last group was even saying. That's a German class. So I made them re-do it and lo and behold that time it was comprehensible. Finally, I wanted to play a few rounds of Quizlet.live with them and they started to put silly names, making it impossible to play since they couldn't find eachother. I really think it is time for a good snow break. But no, there is none in sight. We just get this horrible cold rain here these days. Tomorrow is Metaverse Project day and I will teach them to create photo walls for their projects. Let's hope they can follows this.

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